Sunday, September 18, 2016

Balaam, Branson, and Donald Trump

Beware of the false prophets...  (Matthew 7:15a)

Mario Murillo is at it again, and God's people should be aware of the latest efforts by Mario to attach the Lord's name to his own sensational pronouncements.

I believe God had me speak out because America was on the brink of an unalterable disaster.  On November 8th, we will either be rescued by Trump or driven into the ground by Hillary. 

Thus saith Mario via blog post on September 15, 2016.

I have a wait and see attitude about certain prophecies regarding Donald Trump, including some that see him as a modern day Cyrus (Persian king who allowed Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild Solomon's Temple) or Jehu (Israelite king who destroyed Jezebel and hundreds of Baal worshippers).

I know that many godly Christians believe Donald Trump will be used by God to stem the advance of evil in our country.

I have no quarrel with most of them, whether I agree or not.

But Mario Murillo
has earned our mistrust, and when he speaks of our country being "rescued by Trump" he doesn't rate the benefit of the doubt.

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.(Psalm 20:7)

Remember, this is the same Mario Murillo who came on his high horse to Branson claiming to be the fulfillment of the (thoroughly debunked) Branson - Corrie ten Boom legend. On October 16th, 2015, Mario proclaimed that the so called "Branson Outbreak" that he spearheaded would be known worldwide within two weeks.

Did that happen?

For those who guide this people are leading them astray; And those who are guided by them are brought to confusion. (Isaiah 9:16)

Jesus is our Savior, not Donald Trump.

Furthermore, God doesn't need the United States to fulfill His plan.

God's people need to be full of God to fulfill their callings.

Warning about false prophets is not popular in Charismania today. One reason for this is that false prophets bring in a lot of money. Another is that bible teaching is not valued unless it is "prophetic" - this results in liberty for prophetic utterance, but no provision to judge such utterance.

Branson has more than its share of false prophets.

How do we identify a false prophet?

Well, start with prayerful reading of Deuteronomy 13 and 18.

In Branson, here's a sure sign of a false prophet: if the prophet has promoted the Corrie ten Boom legend, and hasn't repented, you have a false prophet. The reason is that Corrie ten Boom did not prophesy about any worldwide revival beginning in Branson, and the legend that she did is simply Charismatic-Evangelical folklore.

Balaam was a prophet. He was gifted to operate in the spirit realm, both with Yahweh, the Creator, and with evil spirits. There are many such "prophets" loose today, including here in the Branson area. 


Monday, August 1, 2016


Once upon a time in Tawdry County, there was an Assessor named Mr. Strongman. He ignored state standards for assessing property values. Seniors who owned condos sometimes had their assessments tripled, while locals who were part of a political organization called GOBAG ("Good Old Boys And Girls") got low assessments.

Mr. Strongman was a talented politician, knowing whose bread to butter.

But the state government didn't like the way assessments were done in Tawdry County, and the state government withheld nearly $1 million in funds for the Assessor's office.

This didn't bother Mr. Strongman, because he had friends on the County Commission who belonged to GOBAG. They gave Mr. Strongman county funds to replace the money withheld by the state. And they supported his noncompliance with the state's assessment standards.

In the Assessor's office, there were some dedicated employees who worked hard for the county. But there were other employees who loafed, doing personal business on county time, or leaving work early. This group of employees was known as the "Thrift Store Gang," because one of their favorite things to do was to go shopping at thrift stores on county time.

Thrift Store Gang members  had a friendly relationship with GOBAG.

One day, Mr. Strongman got an idea: "I'll run for the State Senate, so I can do more favors for my friends." But another politician from Tawdry County, Mr. Strawbus, ran against Mr. Strongman, and they split the vote in Tawdry County. A third guy from Blarney County beat them both in the Senate race.

And so Mr.Strongman was out of office.

In the meantime, Mr. Penwell was elected to be the new Assessor.

Mr. Penwell was a good and honest man - and therefore not a member of GOBAG. This was bad enough, but Mr. Penwell also had a work ethic that caused him to think that employees who were on the clock.... should work!

The Thrift Store Gang didn't like their new boss.

Also, GOBAG didn't like Mr. Penwell being the Assessor. So, some of the leaders of GOBAG decided to create trouble for Mr. Penwell by getting his employees who were members of the Thrift Store Gang to lie against him.

The leader of GOBAG, Mr. Hessman, approached a Thrift Store Gang member, Mr. Hairding with an idea:

"Hairding - is that Penwell treating you OK?"

"He's terrible - he gets on me for how I treat the public, and expects me to do the job the way he wants it done."

"You poor fellow - I feel your pain. I have a plan - if you will do exactly as I tell you, there's some money in it for you."

"I trust anything you GOBAG guys tell me - you've always steered me right. What do I do?"

"Follow these steps to the letter: 1.) talk to Penwell about all sorts of things - be friendly.... then just casually note his Bible on the desk, and start talking about that....2.) Penwell will let his guard down, and after you convince him that you are a fellow believer, he will now and then mention the Bible, or God, or some verse. 3.) at that point, you should perform as poorly as possible without getting fired - take advantage of Penwell's merciful heart, and push him to the limit 4.) at this point you have accomplished two things: First, Penwell thinks you are a believer, and so feels free to share matters of faith, Second, Penwell has to talk to you about your job performance, and because he's a good guy, he'll probably still show respect for you, and treat you as a friend. 5.) this is where the s*** hits the fan - you're responsible for the s***. You file a complaint of religious discrimination, alleging that Penwell forces you to listen to scripture, and punishes you, not because of your p**s poor job performance, but because you don't want to hear verses. 6) We GOBAG members control the County Commission, and we will make sure your complaint gets settled quickly. There will be no opportunities for Penwell to give his version of things, and we will agree to a settlement that'll put a nice chunk of change - how does $30k sound? - into your pocket... you'll need to resign, but you'll have a great severance package to enjoy life while you look for a different job!"

"Well it sounds great! What's in it for you?"

"We will leak news of your complaint just prior to the election. Penwell isn't running, but it will damage his allies, and when it's his turn to run, we'll get some more of your Thrift Store Gang who want some cash to help us out. We have a friend at the newspaper who will blame Penwell for the money we give to you."


And this is how things are done in Tawdry County to this very day.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Trump vs. the Race Card Industry

Donald Trump: racist?

I doubt it. I could be wrong, but not based on what people are showing me.

I think three or four denunciations of the KKK should suffice. After that, the reporters are just badgering the candidate, and obstructing the airing of other issues. The exception would be if there is credible evidence of Klan involvement, like all the evidence the Left ignored in the life of the late Senator Robert Byrd (D- WV). Senator Byrd skated on that, everywhere but talk radio.

But what about video showing black people being roughed up at his rallies?

That could be racist. It could also be misanthropic, or just thuggish.

In some circumstances, it could be justified - depending on what sort of menacing actions the person might have been doing.

If white people are doing the same thing, and getting kid glove treatment, while black people are singled out for the rough stuff - that would indicate racism.

Just the fact that protesters are removed from a rally is not wrong.

If I pay for a hall, it's so people can hear from me, not from my detractors - that is right in line with the first amendment. You don't have a constitutional right to disrupt a meeting in a venue for which someone else paid.

That said, I believe Trump is not a friend of the first amendment, and that some of his comments about the press - as dishonorable as many of them are - portend a return to the Alien and Sedition Acts under John Adams, and the imprisonment of those who protested wars under Lincoln and Wilson.

Also, it is certain that Trump is a nationalist, and that his followers have authoritarian tendencies (based on this article and my own interaction with many of them). And yes, Trump comports himself as a potential dictator, especially at his rallies.

Reminds me very much of when ancient Israel demanded a king.

Which did not end well for them.

Nationalism is not synonymous with racism, although many racists are also nationalists.

Ben Carson struck me as a nationalist, even before he announced his support for Trump today. An endorsement which likely shocked some of Ben's supporters, but not those who pay close attention. Ben is as ignorant about foreign affairs as he is brilliant in his field of neurosurgery.

I don't think Ben Carson is stupid, nor is it helpful when Trump's opponents call Trump supporters stupid.

Also, I don't think Carson is a racist, and if he was, I would assume his racism would not be directed at black people, eh?

Friday, March 4, 2016

Hillary's Email to Donald

Darling Donald,

We've been friends a long time, and your support has been greatly appreciated.

Congratulations on your pending nomination. You've made sport of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, and for that you have my undying gratitude. These vermin made a huge deal out of a few rapes and assaults that my husband may have committed. You of all men know what a tough road it can be for an alpha male with a severe testosterone imbalance.

It's gratifying to see you steamroll over these little people - but I wonder if you might be enjoying yourself a bit too much? Duping all those Christian leaders into supporting you was understandably fun for you - especially that ditz, Sarah Palin - but I frankly became alarmed that in order to fool those naive people, you denied your progressive views on abortion. You've amassed an impressive list of Christian luminaries: Falwell, Peter Wagner, Pastor Jeffress, Paula White, etc. who have bought the idea that you are God's man to protect them. Is it possible that your ego has been stroked a bit too much by these zealots? These are the same people who regard my husband as a moral reprobate, and they don't seem to mind that you have openly boasted about sleeping with other men's wives! Their cognitive dissonance is marvelous theater, but their ignorance of their own book could redound to your harm if you allow them to crown you as king - they may not be mindful of the story of King Saul, but you would do well to consider it.

Donald dear - please recall what the script calls for during the coming campaign between us.

Remember, our arrangement was for you to help me win this election by making me seem likable by comparison. Also, don't forget how friendly my administration will be to aggressive business men such as yourself - for one thing we can assure that federal judges will continue to uphold your very creative interpretation of eminent domain takings that benefit your enterprises.

My dear friend, I know that Latin is not your forte', but I was led to believe that you understand the meaning of 'quid pro quo.'

My affection for you is deep - the admiration that a witch feels for a warlock. Out of love, I remind you that "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!"

Know what I mean?

Love ya,


Should this FBI business take an unexpected turn for the worse, I'll consent to a change in our agreement, and will of course need you to issue a full pardon when you take office.