Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Liberal Joke is a Conservative Hate Crime

A teacher's union in New Jersey recently distributed a clever, mock prayer which ostensibly asks for God to take out Gov. Chris Christie. Liberals, and Conservatives with skin, thought it was hilarious.

As a rejoinder, some wiseacre set up a Facebook page which substituted Barack Obama for Christie. Over a million people were signed on last time I checked.

Lefties are going apoplectic, because apparently only Fox and talk radio reported the original story.

Your government, and its media allies wants you to DO AS WE SAY, NOT AS WE DO!


Greg Logan said...

Links!! Text!! Context!!

Come now - who would expect a die hard partisan to possibly objectively report the facts...???

Greg Logan said...


Steve Maxwell said...

Sorry, snide remarks notwithstanding, I thought the mock prayer had received such wide distribution as to be familiar to anyone on the net.

I'll print the text when time permits.


Greg Logan said...

Snide comment....

That may be a bit of a misuse of that word I think...

I have yet to see a diehard partisan objectively report facts - the right wing partisan's SOP is distortion, manipulation and fear mongering. The only issue might be whether Onesimus stoops entirely to that level. The answer - is OF COURSE - sometimes - and at other times is able to overcome those fleshly impulses and make an effort (which I applaud and which continues my effort).