Saturday, September 19, 2009

Lies and the Lying Liberals Who Slander Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck may have surpassed Rush Limbaugh as chief bugaboo of the Left.


Progressives’ visceral hatred of Beck was evident during the 2008 presidential campaign when they (Media Matters, Think Progress, and Keith Olberman) promulgated the lie that he (Beck) had, in earnest, asked televangelist John Hagee if Barack Obama was the Antichrist. Actually, Beck - tired of emails from gullible fundamentalists touting Obama as the Antichrist - asked the question facetiously. He was tweaking Hagee, who – ever his self-important, didactic self - answered in the negative.

Progressives eschew civil discourse, preferring always to hurl shit and see if it’ll stick to their opponents. The above named culprits fed their fecal story to the parrot-Left. Instantly, nuance-free liberals across the land gleefully sought to one-up each other with excretions of mock horror over the gullibility of Beck and his audience. The lovely folks who opine at the Huffington Post hadn’t been so giddy since Nancy Reagan broke her leg. The jackals ate what Olberman the zookeeper fed them, - the text of Beck’s Hagee interview - and never bothered to check the context, or listen to the audio to hear the inflection in Beck’s voice.

The unreflective Left remain oblivious to the irony of having epitomized the obtuse certitude they so decry on the Right. Looking for a mea culpa? Take a number and wait. Progressives haven’t renounced their ideological forebears’ love affair with Stalin yet; they aren’t about to forsake Olberman and his ilk for the truth.


A year after they disseminated the fable of him affirming sensationalist eschatology, the progressive Left is feeling more threatened than ever by Glenn Beck.
Beck has the third most popular talk radio program, and has moved from CNN to Fox on television. Less of a partisan Republican than Limbaugh or Hannity (talk radio’s top two), he’s been unrelenting in his pursuit of any person or group he perceives as a threat to liberty. Notably, he was the driving force behind the resignation of Van Jones - a communist appointed by President Obama to one of the coveted czar positions.

Obama is under fire from his fellow progressives for not defending Jones. Bill Maher, ranting on Conan O’Brien’s show, expressed disgust with the president for caving to Beck. During his diatribe, the fact-resistant Maher implied a fraternal association between Beck and “birthers,” but never mentioned that Jones is a “truther.”

Nor did Maher address the salient issue regarding Jones (that he’s a self avowed communist) - not surprising, given the historical affinity between communists and progressives.

Let’s be clear: Birthers (who insist Obama’s not an American citizen) and Truthers (Bush and/or Israel orchestrated the 9/11 attacks) are equally deficient in the critical acumen department.

Let’s be even clearer: Communists and Nazis both represent ideologies of mass murder. (Phrase borrowed from Accuracy In Media’s Cliff Kincaid)

Progressives wouldn’t want birthers or Nazis in government.

But they’re fine with truthers and communists.

Progressives have earned our mistrust. Don’t believe anything a progressive says without corroboration from a non-socialist source. Don’t refuse to hear the substance of what Glenn Beck says because of the barrage of ad hominem attacks being unleashed by the media.
The fact that shots are being fired at the messenger doesn’t render the message invalid.


Progressives always assume, and never ask. So you’ll peg me – wrongly - as a Glenn Beck sycophant. And, although I’m not a “birther,” you nevertheless would consider me stupid, because I have faith to believe in micro-evolution, but not macro-evolution. Worse, I believe in God, and His son, Jesus Christ.

You are doubtless one of those special people who - when you fly from LA to New York – refers to the area where I live as “fly-over country.” Admittedly, I shake my head incredulously at the stubbornness and ignorance I sometimes observe here in the Ozarks. But, unlike you, I also look for redeeming qualities and character strengths in the natives here; I desire to have relationships with other people characterized by mutual respect.

You, on the other hand, prefer to denigrate those you consider less enlightened; your contempt for them making it impossible to impart any knowledge you might otherwise share. Yet you marvel that millions balk at the idea of being ruled by those who share your (so called) progressive views.

I’m well pleased to be considered stupid by a pompous ass such as you.

It is for posterity that I want to refute just one lie that you perpetuate about those of us in the Resistance: We do not get our worldview from Glenn Beck.

In fact, Glenn is being indoctrinated by me, and others of like mind. From my cave here in the Shire, I use The Force to send subliminal messages through the Matrix to Beck. The goal: to take the Neo out of his Neo-conservatism.

There is no guarantee of success, but Glenn Beck’s views have been in flux (as opposed to rigid Republican or doctrinaire Democrat). He has recently rejected some key components of progressive historiography. As a result he now repudiates the iconic status of presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Just this week, I heard him refer to the latter as an “imperialist.” He also makes frequent mention of the tyrant Wilson jailing those who opposed his push for entry into World War I.

TR and Wilson consistently finish near the top of the occasional presidential rankings that plague our society. Progressive education - the legacy of John Dewey in our government schools - has produced compliant tools such as yourself, willing to exalt men who imprisoned dissenters and destroyed thousands of lives through needless wars.

Progressives such as you masquerade as opponents of war when it advances your progressive agenda, but were silent when Clinton bombed the hell out of Serbia. Nothing new under the sun: Robert Kennedy was at his brother’s side when our troop strength in Vietnam was expanded from 700 to nearly 15,000. But in March 1968, RFK put his finger in the wind and discovered he was adamantly opposed to the war.

Eugene McCarthy’s principled opposition to the war was upstaged by a rock star.

If Glenn Beck continues his journey out of the dark side, he will ultimately renounce America’s worldwide military presence. He will also abandon the view that the Republican Party has been corrupted over the years, and affirm that the GOP was corrupt from its inception. He will proclaim that states’ rights are the foundation of the Bill of Rights, not a heresy conjured up by Klansmen.

If Glenn Beck continues to follow where the facts lead, Mark Lloyd – Obama’s man at the FCC - will need all the guidance his hero, Hugo Chavez, can give to try to shut down talk radio.

1 comment:

Dave K. said...

Wish I could write like you do Steve. I'm enjoying your articles. I don't hear Beck very often but occasionally catch him on Fox News.

About a year ago, I started listening to Limbaugh as I work. It wasn't long before I noticed the left had a bad habit of not getting his humor and would go on and on about issues concerning him that weren't issues at all. Now I think Rush does it just to tweak them.