Monday, October 22, 2012

George McGovern: RIP

I much prefer real liberals like McGovern over modern corporate statists such as Reid, Romney, Obama,  Boehner, and the Clintons.

George McGovern was a Christian gentleman. His chief fault was a sincerely held, but erroneous,
theology that conflated the gospel mandate to care for the poor with the foolish utopian schemes of the welfare state.

He was a real liberal in the same sense that Robert Taft was a real conservative; and both had more in common with each other than either has with the current leaders of our two ruling parties.

On account of foreign policy.

McGovern was speaking against intervention in Vietnam as the Kennedy administration sent thousands of combat troops there and backed a CIA led coup in which South Vietnamese President Diem was killed. Taft opposed involvement in Korea, and NATO - part of the reason the muscleheads running the GOP sabotaged their 1952 convention so that Taft was pushed out in favor of Ike.

Our ongoing foreign interventions - about which neither candidate in tonight's debate will have the slightest qualm - are not consistent with either "liberal" or "conservative" policy.

They fit nicely with fascism, though.

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