Saturday, September 29, 2012

Branson Tea Party Chooses Stripjoint Patron over Constitution

September 28th, 2012

Two thoughts: I miss the old Dairy Queen in downtown Branson, and Cynthia Davis is running for Lieutenant Governor.

How do those two items go together? Glad you asked!

I drove by the old DQ today. Lots of good memories. The owners of a restaurant I worked at as a teen let me drive their Cadillac to take their younger kids there for treats after a busy night.

Alas, now the old DQ has been taken over by Tera-rists. It is inaptly called "Tea Party Patriot HQ" - ostensibly the go-to place in these parts to learn all about patriotism, the Constitution, and family values. Tera Sukman reportedly paid about $200k for the property. In the name of God and country, the Tera-rists have honored Rep. Billy Long, whose idea of reducing federal spending is to vote for a $2.4 TRILLION increase to the debt ceiling, Sen. Roy Blunt, who, as a House member, got a few Republicans to join the Democrats in voting for Bush's TARP bailout, and Ron Houseman, local politician who added an extra $300k, over and above a $42k salary, of the taxpayers money to his income when he was county clerk.

And today, I noticed a huge banner for Peter Kinder, incumbent Lieutenant Governor.

That would be the same Peter Kinder whose hobby is stalking strippers.

There's a family value for you!

The Tera-rists regard Mr. Kinder as a "real" man.

Meanwhile, one of Kinder's opponents is Mrs. Davis, who as a state legislator received the Locke and Smith (as in John and Adam) award for most constitutional voting record. You'd think that would impress "Tea Party Patriots."

The "Tea Party Patriot HQ" is a fraudulent outfit, a front for the Republican Establishment.

The old DQ once served up ice cream and burgers. Now only baloney is served.

After the Kinder sign provoked me today, I googled, and sure enough this subject has been covered by the best journalist in SW Missouri:

Branson Neocons for Porn

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Taney County Needs More Government!

The blight designation that goes with the proposed Enhanced Enterprise Zone (EEZ) concerns me, because the first step in government's use of eminent domain to take private property is a blight designation.

Of course there's never been abuse of eminent domain by the government. Right? So, clearly, I'm just crazy to even bring it up.

Some would suggest that government sometimes takes property through eminent domain simply to establish some enterprise that will produce more tax revenue. But that would be really greedy, and we know there's no such thing as government greed! What a crazy idea!

Besides, I've been assured by those who know that there's no intention to use the EEZ as a cover for more eminent domain abuses (if such abuses ever occurred - and sane people know they haven't). In fact, I'm told that the EEZ board will provide the needed checks and balances to prevent such abuses. Yep: an unelected board will safeguard our liberties, just as surely as Obama's appointed "czars" do at the national level!

My problem is that I've read the Constitution. The Declaration of Independence too. Both are rife with mistrust of government (read 'em and tell me it ain't so). Worse, I've looked into the Federalist Papers. (Shhh, don't tell anyone, but I even peruse the Anti-Federalist Papers sometimes). Our nation's founders were loathe in the extreme to grant new powers to government, and then just trust that said powers wouldn't be abused. Clearly, those founders were certifiable. Just ask Nancy Pelosi, or one of the Republicans who's touting the EEZ as an economic panacea for our county!

It's fitting that many politicans give lip service to Adams, Jefferson and Washington without giving heed to anything they said, since modern politicians have so much more character than those guys did.

These days, imbibing the principles of liberty contained in our founding documents will get you labeled "crazy." I'm so far gone that I wouldn't trust an unelected board to protect my liberties, even if it's members were Albert Schweitzer, Mother Theresa, and my own mother. I know - that's crazy.  A warped state of mind brought on by too much Thomas Jefferson and not enough television.