Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Liberal Joke is a Conservative Hate Crime

A teacher's union in New Jersey recently distributed a clever, mock prayer which ostensibly asks for God to take out Gov. Chris Christie. Liberals, and Conservatives with skin, thought it was hilarious.

As a rejoinder, some wiseacre set up a Facebook page which substituted Barack Obama for Christie. Over a million people were signed on last time I checked.

Lefties are going apoplectic, because apparently only Fox and talk radio reported the original story.

Your government, and its media allies wants you to DO AS WE SAY, NOT AS WE DO!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Fighting Corruption With Corruption, the Chicago Way


Back in about 1930, a young woman had her purse snatched on the streets of Chicago. Fortunately, she had recently met Al Capone, a prominent citizen, who had given her his card and told her to call him if she ever needed anything.

Within a few hours after calling Mr. Capone, the woman's purse was returned intact, with nothing missing.

From this story we learn that Al Capone was a crime buster.


The Capone gang opened its hearts to a sociology student named Saul Alinsky. The young scholar, and future community organizer, hung out with Frank Nitti, Jack Guzik, and other Capone lieutenants. They trusted him, and allowed him to be privy to the inner workings of the Capone organization.

Alinsky went on to become a professional revolutionary, agitating for the underprivileged against the powers that be, and teaching principles of community organizing with the goal of taking control of government. He perfected the art of personal destruction of one's foes, always attaching a legitimate cause to divert attention from his own actions.

Alinsky's prize pupil came along after his death in the person of Barack Obama, who used Chicago as a proving ground to start a very successful political career.

Mr. Obama is now reforming Washington D.C.
Notably, his current focus is Wall Street. A specific target is Goldman Sachs, recipient of billions of our tax dollars, and associated with former Treasury secretaries such as Hank Paulson, Robert Rubin, and the current one, Tim Geithner.

Goldman Sachs gave $1 million to the Obama campaign, and Geithner, with the Federal Reserve bank of New York at the time, helped steer bailout money its way.

So naturally, tax evader Geithner, and Chicago pol Obama, are the perfect guys to reform Wall Street and teach Goldman Sachs a lesson it won't forget.

History repeats itself. Just as Al Capone fought crime in Chicago, the pride of Chicago is fighting big money in Washington.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Please give Bill Clinton a job, Mr. Obama

Bill Clinton: my pick for the Supreme Court.

Yes, I understand that Clinton is an enemy of the Bill of Rights, and a champion of more centralized government. He is a thoroughgoing statist - but no more so than any other Obama appointee would be.

So what would be the upside to a Clinton nomination?

This: Justice Clinton wouldn't be on TV using his considerable dissembling skills to attack our rights. He'd be confined to casting one vote (the same vote any Obama appointee would cast) against freedom, in mostly hidden proceedings, as opposed to stirring up mass hysteria - possibly leading to violence - against freedom loving Americans exercising their first amendment rights of freedom to peaceably assemble and to voice grievances against their government.

This morning on ABC, Clinton regurgitated his favorite calumny against Conservatives, Libertarians, and Constitutionalists, insinuating that anger directed at government is creating an environment that could portend violence, just like in 1995, when, according to President Clinton, Rush Limbaugh helped create an atmosphere that led to the Oklahoma City bombing.

For the record, Clinton's scapegoating of Limbaugh in 1995 was designed to divert attention away from the real inspiration behind the Murrah bombing, which was....

Janet Reno, Clinton's attorney general.

Timothy McViegh, like all far-right vigilantes, had no affinity for Rush Limbaugh. He was outraged by two incidents of government tyranny:

  1. The assassination of Vicky Weaver at Ruby Ridge, Idaho by the FBI, under President George H.W. Bush (R-TX);
  2. The tank and commando assault on the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas, orchestrated by Reno for President Clinton (D-AR), which resulted in the incineration of several dozen men, women, and children.

Note that government tyranny has bipartisan support. Retired Senator John Danforth (R-MO), headed the official commission to minimize government culpability in the Waco assault. Surprise! The patrician Danforth absolved the federal government of serious wrongdoing! (See the Cato report and other sources showing the injustice of this.)

In the Ruby Ridge incident, FBI assassin Lon Horiuchi was charged by the local prosecutor, but Fed muscle pushed the matter into federal court, where... Surprise! Federal power was vindicated by federal power!

Decent Americans across the ideological spectrum were appalled by these incidents. I'm still plenty pissed about them, myself.

Some indecent Americans were upset, too, and a couple of them decided to take on the federal leviathon all by themselves. McVeigh and Terry Nichols were inspired by Bill Clinton and Janet Reno, not by Rush Limbaugh.

(Memo to Progressives: In the above paragraph, I deliberately used the word "indecent" to describe domestic terrorists.)

Some indecent Progressives, such as Bill Maher, Arianna Huffington, Keith Olberman, and Rachel Maddow, pretend that acts of government tyranny such as at Waco and Ruby Ridge never occurred, and that patriots who are angry with government for committing generational theft to the tune of $12 trillion and counting are to be dismissed as cranks and nascent terrorists.

(Memo to Progressives who believe rights are bestowed by government, not by God, and that concern about expanding central government amounts to stupidity: In the above paragraph the same adjective was applied to you as was used to describe domestic terrorists. I likened you to domestic terrorists, because you are domestic enemies of our Constitution.)

The Weavers and the Branch Davidians were not people with whom the average tea partier would associate. But Obama and his friends in the media and in the blogosphere work around the clock to suggest otherwise.

If Obama's Progressive allies succeed in making pariahs of tea partiers and other patriots, why would patriots not fear that their government would target them as it did Ruby Ridge and Waco?

Here I must inject some disclaimers for gentle souls who might have genuine concerns about my position vis-a-vis certain aforementioned racists and cultists:


1. I approved of the death sentence given to McVeigh, and would have approved the death penalty for Nichols as well.
1a. But it was Janet Reno, not Rush Limbaugh, who inspired those two.
1b. Patriots don't start wars. We first pursue every legal remedy. Then, we engage in civil disobedience.
1c. Some of us offer imprecations to God, per the examples in the Psalms.
1d. We take up arms as a last resort.

2. Lon Horiuchi should not have been allowed to assassinate Vicki Weaver with impunity.
2a. The Weavers observed Hitler's birthday with the likes of Richard Butler and others.
2b. For that reason alone, I'd never have allowed my children to play with the Weavers' children.
2c. But I still don't think Lon Horiuchi should have been allowed to assassinate Vicki Weaver with impunity.

3. I generally eschew sensationalist doctrines predicting apocalyptic showdowns between government and religious folks.
3a. It would be great if the government hadn't given credence to such fantastic eschatology by sending tanks to Waco.
3b. But tea partiers and other patriots don't think the Waco outrage justifies violence - though...
3c. ...Some far-right fringe groups do. But they aren't inspired by Limbaugh, Beck, or even Breitbart. They are energized by the actions and policies of the last four presidents, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama.

4. These disclaimers are for gentle souls. Corrupt souls, the priggish Progressive element, will call me a racist or terrorist no matter what I say, in order to avoid dealing with facts.


And now, with government power expanding, American patriots are concerned about the future of freedom. The powers that be have turned a deaf ear to their concerns, and furthermore, President Obama never misses an opportunity to cast aspersions on their character.

Historically, governments demonize certain groups before moving to silence them.

We, the People, assert our constitutional rights.

They, the Plutocracy, answer, "shut up!"

Wrong answer.

We, the People, discovering that our government and its claque despise us, encourage one another with our heritage:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Oprah: "Poverty is over in Cook County!"

Oprah Winfrey announced today that a group of about 100 celebrities have covenanted together to end poverty in Cook County, Illinois, this year.

Ms. Winfrey said: "War on poverty was declared over forty years ago, and $trillions have been spent by government in that war - yet this community continues to suffer. Today, we declare, not war, but victory, over poverty."

Ms. Winfrey and other famous Chicagoans have been meeting secretly for several months, outting together the ultimate wealth redistribution plan. Recently, through the influence of Barbra Streisand, magnificoes from outside of Chicago became part of what is hoped will be a model of egalitarian social justice for communities across America.

Here is the plan in a nutshell:

Ms. Winfrey and the group of 100 - all millionaires, and many billionaires - will each henceforth retain only $900,000 per year of their after tax income. All money over that amount will be donated to the less fortunate of Cook County.

The celebrities also agreed to limit themselves to two homes apiece; all other real estate holdings will be liquidated, and the proceeds redistributed to the less fortunate of Cook County.

Ms. Winfrey, speaking near the old location of the Capone gang in Cicero, on the south side, said, "Progressives have been very generous with other people's money, and demanding greater regulating of business and more taxes from the wealthy to support social programs. Today we stop waiting for others to do the right thing, and we put ourselves forth as examples of how the very rich can lift others up."

Specific numbers were not disclosed, but Onesimus Jones has learned that by the end of 2010, about $8 billion dollars will be distributed among the poorest two million residents of Cook county, about $4,000 per person. Projections for 2011 call for about $5,000 per person for the same group.

Other celebrities making the covenant with Oprah include: Barack Obama, Tim Geithner, Michael Moore, Barbra Streisand, Jon Stewart, Al Franken, Jesse Jackson, Tim Robbins, Sean Pean, Ellen Degeneres, Steven Spielberg, and Arianna Huffington. The complete list will be released later this month.

Oprah wanted to announce the covenant on New Year's Day, but details took longer to finalize, delaying the announcement until April 1st.