Save rainwater - go to jail! This sort of tyranny is some fruit of Agenda 21,
a 'non-binding' (it's proponents always remind us) but 'all pervasive'
(I remind you) scheme put forth by the U.N. in 1992, and advanced by
each U.S. President since George H.W. Bush.
The chief threat from Agenda 21 is to property rights, usually through innocuous sounding "sustainable development" schemes enacted by both sincere and sinister local officials. Example: The Enhanced Enterprise Zone (EEZ) plan approved here in Taney County (in 2012) by our local governments. At least half of Missouri is designated an EEZ now, and therefore at increased risk for eminent domain abuse. A good essay on the problems with EEZ is here.
My State Representative, Lyle Rowland (Missouri District 155), to his great credit, worked hard to pass anti-Agenda 21 legislation last year. The House failed by 2 votes to override the Governor's veto.
Sadly, Lyle Rowland, and too many other "conservatives," are supporting Amendment 1, the so called 'Right to Farm' amendment, which includes pernicious language that fits too well with Agenda 21. The Constitution Party has very well summarized the problems with 'Right to Farm.'
One organization that is an enthusiastic supporter of Agenda 21 (Supporters of Agenda 21 avoid saying 'Agenda 21', opting for terms like 'sustainable development' or invoking causes like 'clean water' or 'climate change') is the National Association of Counties, or NACo. Taney County Presiding Commissioner Ron Houseman serves on NACo's Executive Committee , and frequently attends NACo meetings around the country, at the taxpayers expense.
All three of our county commissioners attended a meeting on the subject of Agenda 21 (Brandon Williams attended as commissioner-elect, having won the GOP primary) in 2012 at First Baptist Church in Hollister. They all indicated their staunch opposition to Agenda 21, but when yours truly pointed out that Agenda 21 is often advanced using the term 'sustainable development', Mr. Houseman was prompted to disclose that he had been a participant in a 'sustainable development' meeting, at the White House, chaired by Al Gore. Ron assured us all that he opposed whatever was being promoted at Al Gore's meeting, but I've noticed that his high position in NACo is still something of which he is proud.
The chief threat from Agenda 21 is to property rights, usually through innocuous sounding "sustainable development" schemes enacted by both sincere and sinister local officials. Example: The Enhanced Enterprise Zone (EEZ) plan approved here in Taney County (in 2012) by our local governments. At least half of Missouri is designated an EEZ now, and therefore at increased risk for eminent domain abuse. A good essay on the problems with EEZ is here.
My State Representative, Lyle Rowland (Missouri District 155), to his great credit, worked hard to pass anti-Agenda 21 legislation last year. The House failed by 2 votes to override the Governor's veto.
Sadly, Lyle Rowland, and too many other "conservatives," are supporting Amendment 1, the so called 'Right to Farm' amendment, which includes pernicious language that fits too well with Agenda 21. The Constitution Party has very well summarized the problems with 'Right to Farm.'
One organization that is an enthusiastic supporter of Agenda 21 (Supporters of Agenda 21 avoid saying 'Agenda 21', opting for terms like 'sustainable development' or invoking causes like 'clean water' or 'climate change') is the National Association of Counties, or NACo. Taney County Presiding Commissioner Ron Houseman serves on NACo's Executive Committee , and frequently attends NACo meetings around the country, at the taxpayers expense.
All three of our county commissioners attended a meeting on the subject of Agenda 21 (Brandon Williams attended as commissioner-elect, having won the GOP primary) in 2012 at First Baptist Church in Hollister. They all indicated their staunch opposition to Agenda 21, but when yours truly pointed out that Agenda 21 is often advanced using the term 'sustainable development', Mr. Houseman was prompted to disclose that he had been a participant in a 'sustainable development' meeting, at the White House, chaired by Al Gore. Ron assured us all that he opposed whatever was being promoted at Al Gore's meeting, but I've noticed that his high position in NACo is still something of which he is proud.